Our team is actively committed to leaving this world a better place and making a difference —

in all children’s lives.

TA-DA! is proud to have signed the 1% Corporate Philanthropy Pledge, focusing our outreach efforts on orphanages and schools in need.

For every single purchase, TA-DA! Language Productions donates immersive language learning products to schools and orphanages worldwide.

Early language education empowers children to become confident, empathetic global citizens - and helps them escape the clutches of poverty.

Look at these cuties in Ivory Coast experiencing our talking language books for the very first time!

Ivory Coast

“The Karat School Project (KSP) serves children in extreme poverty who used to labor and sell items on the streets of Abidjan, Cote D'Ivoire.

Our first school is located in Yopougon, Allokoi.

We strive to provide a world-class education to these leaders of tomorrow. However, with limited resources, access to language educational materials can be very costly for a small organization like us.

These talking language books open up a new world for our children and help us reach our goal of providing quality learning materials to our and offset the high cost of language learning materials and access.

Our students cannot believe a talking book exists and are trigger-happy in anticipation of their next talking books!”

Evelyne Keomian, Founder
Karat School Project


Our CEO Michelle teaching English in Ethiopia.

Many underdeveloped and low-income areas do not have electricity or cannot afford the cost of language learning, specifically hiring native speaking teachers. Yet learning new languages CAN CHANGE THEIR LIVES for the better.

We help these underprivileged regions by donating our products and our time.


Grazie! to awesome intern Francesca Piccioni who created this bellissimo gallery to express our values with art:


TA-DA! in LuxAir Inflight Magazine (download)

The Elevator 4: Michelle Glorieux founder and CEO of TA-DA!



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