Awards &
SQOOL TV - School of the future
RTL News
RTL - The Elevator 4: Michelle Glorieux founder and CEO of TA-DA!
Finally we manage to merge the best of digital and the best of physical
- and it brings the pleasure of language learning!
Love the quality, with particular attention to detail.
A beautiful book!"
-French TV News, Paris, France
TA-DA! Wins Startup of the Year
Brain Child Award Winner
Kids find the Language Adventures Trilogy to be an enormously fun and engaging way to explore and absorb new words, languages and cultures.
The series consists of three superb, eco-friendly talking board books, with each title available in English, Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, French, and German.
The artwork in all three books is exceptional. Each glorious full-page illustration builds an adventure unto itself that children find absolutely captivating. Each illustrated scene incorporates a printed word or phrase and an embedded sound button that, when pressed, provides native speaker pronunciation along with delightful original music and naturalistic sound effects that breathe added life into the scene.
The audio is perfectly attuned to the impeccable artwork and, together, they weave a multisensory reading experience that gets youngsters excitedly discovering something new with every pass through the pages. Each of the series' three titles (A Funny Day at The Zoo, An Awesome Ocean Tale, and A Magical Camping Trip) offers a unique, imagination-stirring adventure that spurs curiosity, creativity, language skills, and more!
Moonbeam Children’s Book Award Winner
The Moonbeam Children’s book award recognizes exemplary children’s books and their creators “that inspire our children to read, to learn, and to dream. The Awards recognize and reward the best of these books and bring them to the attention of parents, booksellers, librarians - and to children themselves,” commented Jim Barnes, Awards Director and Editor of Independent Publisher from Jenkins Group.
TA-DA!’s winning title, “A Funny Day at the Zoo,” is part of the Language Adventures collection. The book tells the story of a little boy and his stuffed animal sidekick who discover a secret at the zoo. Upon a light touch on each page, the book introduces 12 words pronounced by native speakers, real animal sounds vetted by the San Francisco Zoo, and original music crafted by a 4x Grammy® Award-winning music producer. The books are created for children ages 0-5 + and available in five languages (English, Spanish, Chinese, French, and German).
The book offers a unique musical soundscape that transports the readers to the story while exposing them to a variety of musical genres and instruments. “Music is integral to our mission: music is our first language, the universal language, the carrier of our cultures and traditions, and an undisputed conduit for language learning – especially for our little guys,” said Jesse Lewis, music and sound director of TA-DA!.
A multi-sensory reading experience...
[Language Adventures’ series] is a unique, imagination-stirring adventure
that spurs curiosity, creativity, language skills and more!"
-Dan Levy, Director Tillywig Toy and Media Awards
Parenting for the Future - Petal Modeste
ACCAM - Les langues en s’amusant
Invitado: El equipo internacional de Ta-Da! Language Productions.