ProTips for raising Bilingual Children
Language serves as the cornerstone of culture, legacy, and identity. In our family, fostering a bilingual environment is more than a choice; it's a celebration of rich diversity.
While Punjabi and Hindi are the languages of our heritage, we've made a deliberate decision to also introduce our child to English and Marathi, capturing the essence of Maharashtra's linguistic landscape.
Below are some key insights and lessons from our bilingual journey:
1. Start Early
When it comes to language learning, babies are like sponges. (If at all possible) start introducing your little one to a variety of languages as early as possible. During their formative years, incorporate songs, nursery rhymes, and simple words in each language. [But it’s never too late! to start your bilingual journey! Read more on timing here.]
2. Consistency is KEY
Designate specific times or scenarios for using each language, which will help your child adapt and associate languages with various contexts. For example, we speak Punjabi at home, switch to Hindi around extended family, utilize English in educational settings, and converse in Marathi during visits to family in Maharashtra.
3. Make Learning a Joyful Experience
Engaging your child in play-based activities can enhance their language development. Opt for board games, storybooks, and even purpose-built language apps that are interactive and fun. This helps sustain their interest and fortifies their language skills. We’re only kids once! And kids learn best via PLAY. Read more on the subject of playful learning here.
4. Lead by Example
Your child looks up to you; make sure you're using that influence wisely. Speak multiple languages yourself and encourage your child to reply in kind. Show them it's not just a task but a valuable life skill - and something you value and enjoy. They’ll follow suit, no questions asked!
5. Enrich Language Through Culture
Festivals, holidays, and cultural traditions are perfect platforms for language enrichment. Use these occasions to introduce diverse reading materials, movies, or articles that expand both vocabulary and cultural awareness.
6. Inspire, Don’t Pressure
Language learning should never feel like a chore. Foster a stress-free environment where your child feels inspired to use all the languages they're learning. The key is to encourage, not to enforce.
7. Foster Language-Rich Playdates
Arrange playdates with children who speak different languages. Not only does this offer your child practice time, but it also exposes them to varying dialects and accents, enriching their linguistic experience. [Note that children tend to use the community language most freely and ‘making them' do otherwise can be a challenge. We will talk more about this during our Blogathon.]
8. Travel!
If possible for your family, travel to regions where your target language(s) are spoken. Physical immersion not only speeds up language acquisition but also deepens cultural understanding. It's an education you can't get from books alone.
And if travel isn’t an option at the moment, consider uncharted territory in a nearby community. We have an upcoming blog post on community surprises that are the next best thing to packing your bags!
9. Maintain an Open Dialogue
Engage your child in conversations about the importance of linguistic diversity. Discuss how multiple languages can forge deeper connections with family, ancestral roots, and offer a competitive edge in our global world.
In our family, embracing Punjabi, Hindi, English, and Marathi has imparted more than just language skills to our child. It has fostered a profound understanding of the rich tapestry of cultures that make up our world. This journey is not just about words but about building bridges between generations and appreciating the linguistic richness of our diverse histories.
Rajni Vohra
About the Author:
Rajni Vohra is the founder of WahWoman, a global platform dedicated to empowering women worldwide.
Recently appointed as the Curator - Projects & Collaboration Ecocivilisation by the esteemed Violeta Bulc, Former Deputy Prime Minister of Slovenia and EU Commissioner for Transport, Rajni is actively working on economic empowerment initiatives through her latest venture, Demuse Lifestyle Range.
It’s Day 9 of TA-DA!’s 20-Day Community Blogathon!
We’ve joined forces with experts from around the globe to delve into the multifaceted world of multilingualism, both professionally and personally.
Our aim? To light up your path and inspire you to embark on your own bilingual or multilingual journey with your family.
In case you missed it, don't forget to check out our earlier post: 'Busting Bilingual Myths: A Mom's Inquiry Answered by an Expert.' It's a perfect precursor to today's insights.