Discovering the Bilingual 'Magic Hour': It May Not Be When You Think!
Introducing the Bilingual Magic Hour
by Michelle Glorieux, Founder and CEO of TA-DA! Language Productions
Have you ever wondered, “When's the best time to introduce a second language?”
An Insight into Michele Fernanda's Bilingual Wisdom: Day 2 Highlights.
Maybe you've heard that children must start as babies or miss their chance. Or perhaps, you've put off introducing a new language to your life because of age-based myths.
Even legendary Bill Gates recently admitted to struggling while recently embarking on learning French - at age 67. He found it so challenging that he sought assistance from a linguist to navigate this new linguistic territory.
Believe me, language learning is an evolving journey. I, Michelle, am diving into another new language at the age of 50, adding to the palette of languages that enrich my life.
As the CEO of TA-DA! Language Productions and the coordinator of this blogathon, I'm excited to introduce a special contributor to our platform on day 2 of a journey that assembles leading minds from diverse backgrounds to help you easily navigate and know just what and how to do to embark on a new language with your kids.
Michele Fernanda's journey with languages is both inspiring and relatable. Whether you're a parent wondering about the right language strategy for your child or an adult considering a new linguistic adventure, Michele's insights will resonate deeply. I know they did for me.
Here is her story.
Uncovering the Bilingual ‘Magic’ Hour
by TA-DA! extra-special guest contributor, Portuguese Heritage Language Educator, Michele Fernanda
I always envisioned giving my children a world of books, nurturing a love for reading, and above all, equipping them to be discerning readers. But little did I expect to embark on this journey in multiple languages.
Living outside of my native Brazil, especially without the comfort of familiar family support, isn’t as glamorous as it might seem, even in Europe.
The vibrant heart of South America - and Michele Fernanda’s home country: Brazil.
Wearing her pride: A celebration of Brazilian heritage.
Michele Fernanda: A mother, mentor, and multilingual mama
Both my children were born outside of Brazil, and the simple tasks such as finding doctors, understanding local customs, or making friends became quite the challenge. Sure, life can be managed, but it's not all rosy, as some of my picturesque Eiffel Tower photos might suggest. As children start school, the local language begins to dominate, altering the reality you once thought you had a handle on.
Our home language setup seemed simple: I'd speak Portuguese and my husband, German. This was our chosen formula for raising bilingual children. However, I didn’t anticipate relocating three times during their upbringing, each move introducing a new local dialect. But are we still committed to our initial plan of keeping both our native languages? Absolutely!
So when should you introduce a second language? Most bilingual literature suggests "starting young." Some even advocate for "during pregnancy." But what if you haven't solidified your family’s language strategy?
Is it too late if your child is already four?
Many experts provide insight into this dilemma.
With a plethora of strategies available for bilingual families, why do some still struggle to maintain the minority language at home?
First Ground Yourself, Then Guide Your Child.
Remember the airplane oxygen mask analogy? First, you secure your own mask, then assist your child.
In much the same way, as adults, I believe we must first understand our own linguistic identities (in all the languages we speak) before sharing them with our children.
Naturally, we want what's best for our children. But before they navigate the world of bilingualism, we should, so we can live the experience ourselves.
Suggested Further Reading: To delve deeper into the cognitive benefits of bilingualism, explore the insights from Day 1 of our blogathon: Dr. Ute Limacher-Riebold's exploration of early language exposure and its profound impact on brain development.
When I added German to my daily language strategy, for example, I began to experience ‘code-switching’, also known as development of a temporary preference for the other language. I even started associating certain topics with specific languages. My heightened memory? Experts term it the "cognitive advantage." During calls with my mother, she observed my tendency to mix languages, prompting me to further immerse in both.
Unveiling the Path: 7 Steps to Kickstart Your Child's Bilingual Journey. Print out the PDF for your fridge here.
For me, the "bilingual magic hour" is the moment we embrace our personal linguistic journey, guiding us to make optimal decisions for our children.
The best starting point? The instant you encounter bilingualism. For me, that realization came at age 21. For my children, it began in utero. And while I play a role in maintaining their Portuguese fluency, their mastery is facilitated through me.
When my first child arrived in 2017, a deep-seated desire emerged to impart the richness of my language and culture. I hadn't actively used Portuguese daily for about a decade, yet during my pregnancy, a profound yearning surfaced.
Over those nine months, I rekindled my connection to my roots, making each day a celebration of our multifaceted existence.
Motivated by the need to instill Portuguese in my children's lives amidst our multicultural German setting, I initiated "Saudade PLH" (Portuguese Heritage Language).
This venture began in the US, gained momentum in the Czech Republic, and has now found a home in Baden-Baden, Germany.
What began as a personal endeavor has already positively impacted over 300 families, a number that continues to grow.
For nearly seven years, through Saudade PLH, I've orchestrated events celebrating and promoting Portuguese as an intrinsic part of one's identity, irrespective of their birthplace.
Now, I'm excited to announce a new chapter: the inception of an international community for multilingual families in Baden-Baden, Germany, and a mentoring program for those wishing to strengthen their bond with Brazilian Portuguese.
Life is no fairytale. As my eldest begins his schooling, our family dynamic is still shifting. The prominence of the local language will rise, his interests will evolve, and our strategies will naturally adapt.
Will he keep speaking Portuguese?
I have no doubts.
Wherever you stand in your bilingual journey, remember: the best time to begin or recommit is this very moment, right where you are.
“The best time to begin or recommit is this very moment, right where you are.”
Embark on a TA-DA! language adventure. When did you begin your bilingual journey? Share with us!
About the author
Photo © Michele Fernanda, A light for plurilingual families worldwide.
Michele Fernanda is more than just a Portuguese Heritage Language Educator; she's a mentor, guide, and pillar of support for plurilingual families worldwide. Since 2017, she has dedicated herself to helping families preserve and celebrate their Portuguese heritage through literature, books, and quality, screen-free interactions. Born in Brazil, Michele's passion for language saw her move to Germany, where she now lives with her trilingual family. Her initiative, Saudade PLH, began as a personal mission but has since blossomed, touching the lives of hundreds of families across the globe. When she's not aiding families in their pluricultural journeys, you can find Michele connecting with diverse communities, ever eager to learn, share, and grow. To discover more about Michele's initiatives and contributions, visit her profiles on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
Find all the links to connect with Michele here:
From the Desk of Michelle Glorieux, CEO of TA-DA! Language Productions:
As the founder and CEO of TA-DA!, I've always been immersed in the world of language learning. My experiences teaching across four continents have allowed me to witness the wonders of childhood language acquisition firsthand. While Michele Fernanda has given us valuable insights into language immersion for our little ones, I wanted to delve deeper into the science and debates surrounding the ideal age for second language learning.
The Critical Period in Children's Language Learning
The concept of the 'critical period' is a highly debated topic in the world of linguistics and child development. Essentially, it suggests there's a prime window during childhood when the brain is most receptive to language learning. After this window, acquiring a language fluently becomes more challenging.
So, what exactly is this "window" of opportunity?
The truth is, scientists don't entirely agree.
Some argue it's from birth to age 5, others say up to age 7, some even suggest 10, with a few pointing towards the onset of puberty, and others indicating up to 17-18 years.
Based on my personal observations, each child truly is unique. While some children might be naturally inclined towards languages, others might take longer.
However, if there's one thing I firmly believe in, it's that the window before age 5 is crucial if we aim for children to speak a language as naturally and fluently as a native speaker. But this doesn't mean we should throw in the towel by any means! (Read Michele Fernanda’s story as testament to that!)
And another misconception I have heard often over the years, just because you started during the critical period does not mean you can rest easy. Consistent exposure is key.
Children, unlike adults, can and will forget if they aren't regularly engaged with the language. I have seen it time and time again.
With TA-DA!'s innovative approach, it is hoped that these insights and others will make the future of language learning more effective and enjoyable for children worldwide.
For those interested in diving deeper into this topic, here are some suggested readings:
Recommended Readings:
The New York Times: An article emphasizing how people, as they age, tend to lose their ability to learn languages as efficiently as during their younger years. Read more
University of Washington: Discusses how exposure to foreign languages can boost learning in infants, highlighting the significance of the right science-based approach. Read more
Newsweek: A study that pinpoints the best age to learn a second language, emphasizing the importance of starting before age 10 for native-level fluency. Read more
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences: This scholarly article by Ghasemi and Hashemi delves into foreign language learning during childhood. Read more
BBC: This article underlines the early years as crucial for language acquisition, supported by studies on abandoned or isolated children. Read more
MIT News: A compelling MIT study that suggests children remain adept at learning languages for longer than previously believed, extending up to 17 or 18. Read more
Parenting For Brain: This article explains the Critical Period Hypothesis, especially in relation to language learning. It asserts that there's a specific period during which individuals are most adept at learning languages. Read more
Melhor idade para começar: entendendo a hora mágica bilíngue
Eu sempre pensei que quando eu tivesse filhos gostaria de proporcionar o acesso aos livros, à leitura e o mais importante, a oportunidade de se tornar um leitor crítico. Eles chegaram. Mas eu NUNCA tinha imaginado que isso se daria em mais de uma língua.
Sem aquela rede de apoio da família que conhecemos, se tornar mãe fora do meu lugar de origem não tem glamour só porque moro na Europa.
Tive meus dois filhos fora do Brasil. Achar médicos, entender os costumes locais, fazer amizades, providenciar o básico já é um desafio! É possível e executável, mas provavelmente não é tão simples quanto as fotos bonitas em frente da Torre Eiffel. Os filhos vão pra escola e a língua local toma conta de uma realidade que até então parecia controlável.
Eu falo português com os filhos, meu marido alemão e pronto. Receita simples que escolhi para criar meus filhos bilíngues. Só não sabia que, durante a fase com filhos, mudaríamos de país 3 vezes e com isso a língua local. E agora, o plano continua o mesmo? Sim!
Quando iniciar? “Quando as crianças são bem pequenas” você encontra em leituras sobre o bilinguismo. Mas quando é o melhor momento? “Quando ainda estão na barriga” você encontra em pesquisas acerca do bilinguismo. Mas e se eu ainda não escolhi uma política linguística para minha família? Meu filho já tem 4 anos, posso começar? Eu posso te enviar uma lista de autores que responderão essa pergunta com precisão.
Se há tantas estratégias disponíveis para famílias bilíngues, porque afinal tantas famílias se perdem, não conseguem manter a língua minoritária em suas casas? Afinal qual é a hora mágica bilíngue?
Lembra daquele esquema da máscara de oxigênio no avião? Primeiro você coloca a sua depois na criança? É isso. Primeiro entendemos quem somos nas línguas que falamos. Depois vivemos tempo de qualidade por meio delas com nossos filhos.
Você há de concordar comigo que queremos o melhor para nossos filhos. Mas antes deles, somos nós falando uma outra língua, vivendo e experienciando culturas. Antes dos meus filhos se tornarem bilíngues, eu me tornei. Eu passei a fazer code-switching. Eu, por algum tempo, tive preferência por uma das línguas que falo. Eu passei a usar um certo tema numa língua específica. Notei até que minha memória parecia estar mais afiada. Especialistas bilíngues explicam: vantagem cognitiva. Durante minhas ligações com minha mãe ela notou que passei a misturar os idiomas. Por conta disso decidi aumentar minha exposição linguística.
A hora mágica bilíngue é quando apreciamos nossa própria jornada para então fazermos as escolhas que mais beneficiarão nossos filhos. A melhor idade? Agora! No momento que você descobre o bilinguismo, esse momento é a melhor idade. Pra mim foi aos 21 anos. Para meus filhos desde a gestação. É importante ressaltar que para ajudar meus filhos na manutenção da língua portuguesa, isso não depende só de mim, mas acontece através de mim.
Em 2017 nasceu meu primeiro filho, e com ele a vontade de deixar uma herança muito valiosa: minha língua e culturas. Até então, fazia uns 10 anos que não usava a língua portuguesa diariamente. Durante minha gestação bateu uma saudade… uma baita saudade de ser e estar na língua portuguesa.
Durante nove meses eu gostei e me reencontrei com minhas raízes. Tudo o que era saudade se transformou em presente e o hoje tornou-se uma celebração de nossa vida plural.
Da minha necessidade de criar um mundo na língua portuguesa na vida dos meus filhos enquanto vivemos uma vida pluricultural na Alemanha, eu iniciei o Saudade PLH (Português Língua de Herança). Assim como minha família plural, essa iniciativa surgiu nos Estados Unidos, ganhou força na República Tcheca e agora cria raízes em Baden-Baden, na Alemanha.
O que começou para beneficiar minhas necessidades, já apoiou, auxiliou e favoreceu mais de 300+ (e contando!) famílias.
Nos últimos quase 7 anos, por meio dessa iniciativa, tenho promovido encontros e eventos para celebrar, fomentar e manter a língua portuguesa como parte da identidade independente do lugar de origem. É com muito entusiasmo e confiança nos resultados que tenho obtido, uma nova fase se inicia: a criação de uma comunidade para famílias multi/bilíngues em Baden-Baden, na Alemanha por meio da International Kinder Café e o lançamento da minha mentoria para famílias e pessoas que desejam manter e/ou ampliar o contato com a língua portuguesa (do Brasil).
Minha jornada não é conto de fadas. Meu filho mais velho acabou de iniciar os anos escolares. Muita coisa será diferente agora pra nossa família. A exposição da língua local vai aumentar, os interesses dele estão mudando. Estamos evoluindo. Crescendo juntos. E com isso as estratégias se adaptando.
E agora, será que ele vai continuar falando a língua portuguesa?
Eu não tenho dúvidas.
Independente de onde você esteja em sua jornada bilíngue, a melhor idade e hora para começar ou recomeçar é agora! Exatamente onde você está.